Sunday, April 27, 2014

back to blogging

I've been away from Blogger for so long it seems.  I got so busy with Hobbyholica that it simply went by the wayside... reading other recovery blogs and writing on my own blog.  I have missed it though.  I have missed the network of sisterhood (but I'm SO happy to have connected with some of you on Facebook), and I have missed the sharing of my writing.  I'm going to make more of an effort to get up earlier so that I have time for writing.  It soothes my soul.  I recently met in person a woman who I had gotten to know online and helped with some weight loss and recovery issues.  We were at a party together and someone went to introduce us when she explained that we already knew each other and went on to describe me as a gifted writer who had missed her calling in life.  Wow!  What a compliment!  A part of me always wanted to be a writer but it has been a part of me that has been 'blocked up' for quite some time.  I've felt the itch lately.  A lot. I am  not sure where it is going to take me, but I do believe I am tiptoeing toward it.  "Run confidently in the direction of your dreams."  Ok, maybe not yet.  Maybe.  In any case, I have been sharing a lot of my thoughts and such on Facebook over the last several months.  Since I am somewhat OCD when it comes to these things, I think that I will copy and paste onto here many of my thoughts and things I have shared on FB and then backdate it to the appropriate date.  I have also been keeping a journal better.  I have found it incredibly helpful to my day to simply get up and write 3 pages of just whatever comes to my mind first thing in the morning.  I haven't been perfect in this, of course, but I have most definitely found my days to go better when I start them off this way.  It is a good thing to clear your mind first thing in the morning this way and to prepare yourself through eating something good for you, saying a prayer, and reading your scriptures and personal development.  I look forward to reconnecting with this part of me and to reconnecting with so many of you beautiful spirits who are making an effort to change the world.  I have some big plans in the future and a new way of where I want to take my health and wellness coaching.  Something that I feel like aligns best with my passions and what God would have me do.  So watch for that. ;)

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