Thursday, February 5, 2009


From an article by Nettie H. Francis in the Desert Saints Magazine.

"Molasses--a gooey, sticky substance that pours very slowly, like honey. It was used in pioneer times to sweeten cookies and candy. I use it to make gingerbread at Christmas time But beyond that, it holds deeper meaning for me. Molasses describes motherhood. Or at least, I feel like I am moving in molasses whenever I try to accomplish anything as a mother, as if I am running and running and getting nowhere.

You know the picture. You wake up with a "to do" list for the day. All goes well until you get out of bed. Sometimes for me it seems that as soon as I get up, all of my children are awake! I try to hold them off momentarily while I take a quick shower, knowing it's my only chance. Then, like some superhuman, I make breakfast and get the oldest ones to school.Now my to-do list can begin. But, just as I close the front door, my toddler has to go to the bathroom. No biggie. We're almost there when she doesn't make it. So now I'm cleaning up the floor and getting dry clothes for her. Then my preschooler informs me, "Mama, the baby had a blow-out." Another bout with diapers, during which the phone rings and I balance it with one hand while opening the wipes with the other.

Now we're off to start the laundry, but before we get there, the phone rings again, and the mailman comes with a package to sign for, and my toddler needs a snack. Finally, I put the laundry in and check my list. But, before I reach item number two, somebody needs their jacket buttoned to go outside and play, and the baby is crying because she's hungry. You get the picture....

When my husband comes home at night, I tell him what I accomplished that day, "Um...I think I paid the phone bill." Unfortunately, it's difficult to describe how a mother can be busy--practically running--all day, and barely accomplish anything. And, as I crawl exhausted into bed, I know that in a few short hours I will wake up to another, similar, seemingly fruitless mother hood molasses scene.On my mission I often had days when I felt I was accomplishing nothing, in other words, "running in molasses." Later however, I looked back and found I had actually been the most successful on those days. My feeling of uselessness was just a tool from Satan to discourage me. Motherhood is the same, and on the days when we feel ineffective, we are really accomplishing great purposes: loving, giving service, teaching and more. However, if we don't have some eternal view of our destination, it can be easy to sink into despair."

Monday, February 2, 2009

note to self.

"Do not pray for tasks equal to your powers but for powers equal to your tasks. Then the doing of the work shall be no miracle, but YOU shall be the miracle."

That's what came to me and I'm pretty sure it was from a plaque given to me back in YW. But where's the quote from?