Tuesday, December 6, 2005

2 months on nutrisystem

Okay...today was weigh-in and week 8 for me so I did my tallies for 2 months. My total loss has been 19 lbs, 2% body fat (according to the scale), 3.75" in my chest, 3" in my waist, and 2" in my hips. My BMI is down to 32.59 from the 35.91 it started at. 
I should be happy I know. Believe me, I am happy to have lost almost 20 pounds and to be in the 14s finally...and that they are already feeling loose. I just can't shake this 'it's not good enough'. It's a problem that I have and have really struggled with (I'm never good enough for myself). I know the loss slows after the first month but I guess I didn't expect such a difference (i.e. I lost 12.6 the first month, only 6.4 this last month). I've tried to tell myself that losing this last month was still good because of Thanksgiving, mine and DH's birthdays, vacation, and Christmas parties. I guess that's not making me feel any better because I didn't want those things to affect me and they obviously have. I have a Christmas goal that I don't feel like I'm going to make and that makes me sad (so does the fact that I was 1 lb shy of the 20 I REALLY wanted this week). I'm going to my dad's next weekend and that's never a good thing when it comes to my weight. My stepmom tries to make things that she knows I like. It is very yummy food but it is SO fattening. She makes LOTS of potatoes and uses LOTS of butter in everything (grew up on an Idaho farm). She gets offended easily (i.e. if you don't eat what she makes), so I'm nervous. I don't know what to do there except watch portions and hope for the best. I don't know how to explain what I'm doing without offending her. My family doesn't know except my little sister. I guess I just needed to get all this out there.  I'm going to be trying to focus more on lots of exercise to get me through this next month...hopefully that'll help with the holiday blues too.. =/