have officially been on Nutrisystem for 4 weeks now and the time really has
flown by!! 12.6 pounds are gone for good!!! I don't really
look different yet but I feel so much better and lighter. I
can't wait till the end of the year when I plan to have lost 25
pounds. This has been so easy and so worth it. It's been
a journey of self-discovery as well. I have learned that I have
never thought of myself as good enough. For example, one week I
lost 3 pounds and I was bummed that it wasn't 5. I didn't
realize what a problem this was until I started looking back at my
life and realized it has hindered me from doing a lot of the things I
have loved doing...like pursuing art as a lot of people have asked me
about lately. I am learning to celebrate my small
accomplishments and recognize them as big ones...learning to really
appreciate and love myself again. And I am allowing myself to
really FEEL emotions instead of trying to hide them or distract
myself from them with food. This is hard...and this will be a
hard holiday season because of it. There is still grief and
sadness that I haven't 'walked through' over losing mom. The
book Tuesdays with Morrie helps a lot. They recommend this book
for anyone struggling to overcome an addiction of any type.
am happier these days. It's been 3 weeks probably since I took
any Zoloft. The dr gave me a prescription....I just have never
filled it. I don't think about it because I feel so much
better. Things are good.
month stats: minus 12.6 pounds..... -2.85 inches in the
chest, -2.15 inches in the waist...and -.5 hips (I plan to
really change that one by next month!!)